Monday, April 20, 2020


Hi Lakeshore!
I bet you know what a lullaby is?  If you are thinking, "It's a song to help you fall asleep," you are correct!  Here are a few lullabies you can listen to and sing a-long.

In Lady, Lady, I like to use a shaker instrument to add a sweeping sound.  At school we use goat hoof rattles, at home we have to make do, see what you have around your house to create the soft swishing sound.  I found a little bag with metal marbles in it and an egg shaker.

This lullaby, Hush Little Baby, is special to me because my mother sang it to me when I was a little girl.  I remember sitting in her lap in a rocking chair and laying my head on her chest.  I could hear her heart beating and her voice reverberating as she sang!  Grab a plush animal or doll and rock it to sleep as you listen and sing a-long.

I love this old song, Mama, Buy Me a China Doll.  This song is about a country girl who sees a doll she can't afford in a peddler's cart.  The doll has a face made from porcelain, or china.  Have you seen a fancy cup and saucer, or a china tea set?  These toys would have been very breakable, this was before plastic was invented!  Liza Lou, the girl in the song, tells her mother how they could afford the doll.  It's a silly, yet heart warming tale.  If you would like to make a rag doll like the one I was using in the song watch this video on how to make your own, no sew rag doll out of scrap fabric and string.  Pioneer Rag Doll

1 comment:

  1. Audrey got a real kick out of, "Mama Buy Me a China Doll". Thank you!
