Wednesday, March 18, 2020

At Home Learning Ideas

Hi Lakeshore Families and Students,
Here are some ideas and links for you to do at home during our time away. I hope to update this page over our time apart so check back often. Remember to sing, play, dance, move and create!
● Sing and Create:

Arioso land- this is a magical singing place where only singing is understood- use puppets, sock puppets, toy figures and stuffed toys to sing conversations and create stories.
● Perform
Set up an audience and a performing space. Ask family members to be your audience or put your plush toys/dolls on chairs, a couch or your bed.
Enter from another room and sing, dance or play recorder. Make sure to bow when the number is over your audience can applaud! 

Use karaoke videos, the radio; sing-a-long videos work too! 
● Create your own instruments/props:
A brush makes a good microphone, pots and pans can be drums, or create your own- i.e. maracas from toilet paper tubes, paper and beads.  Here is a website with some great ideas!

Homemade Instruments
● Teach
Play school-- I am the music teacher! Lead your family/pets, toys with the drum as they enter the room, clap rhythm patterns for them to copy, use drm hand signs! Sing call and response songs.

● Listen
Explore new genres of music, listen to classical, jazz, rap, country, rock, music from other cultures. Youtube is your friend- look up live recordings of musicians
.  Here is a website featuring classical music and activities for kids.  Classics For Kids

The Vienna State Opera House in Austria is live streaming free opera broadcasts!  I've been to this opera house when I lived in Austria and it is amazing!  Check it out Free opera concerts 
You can also take a virtual tour of the opera house- Panoramic tour
 The Metropolitan Opera also has operas you can watch.  I just checked and I'm listening to La Boheme by Puccini as I type.  Ahh beauty!

● Utilize technology
Create songs in garage band if you have a IPad.

Here are websites to check out.
Chrome Music Lab
Arts Alive
Groove Pizza

● Practice recorder 4th and 5th graders. 5th graders can send me songs on the canvas app too.
Recorder play-a-longs: I like the Virtual Musical Minds videos. VMM Youtube play alongs
Virtual Musical Minds website

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